David’s Mountain Top Faith Illustrated

Mountain Top Faith – Inspired by King David

Mountain Top Faith - David and Goliath

What does it look like to have mountain top faith? Reflecting on yesterday’s message, my illustrated notes and the words the Lord gave me…

ALL mountains are the same to ME!

God spoke to my heart.

This is what I heard the Lord speak loudest. Even though challenges appear proportional to us, all mountains look the same to God. David’s conviction when facing Goliath is the kind of absolute faith I hunger after; absolute trust no matter what life throws my way.

I have strong faith, though, my heart wishes every prayer of healing was instantly answered and that no one would suffer or fall. But I also know there is more at play.

I’ve seen so many miracles, that I couldn’t possibly NOT have faith in God. Still, I’m not sure I’d face Goliath unless I heard God say GO!

Thankfully he still says GO today speaking loud enough to actions our faith. When we hear his voice, we travel onward less intimidated by our mountains. But this takes relationship. We have to first pursue a close relationship with Jesus. The kind that involved him in everything we do.

This week’s church notes illustrate the victory we already have through Christ. Sometimes we forget the victories we’ve already seen; the mountains already moved by God.

David’s assurance in God had him slay the biggest threats imaginable but he still had his weaknesses too. His biggest mountain wasn’t a bear, a lion or a warrior, it was persecution and the repercussion of sin. Yes, even this amazing man of faith tripped up!

However, David’s default was to earnestly pursue God, seeking for protection and forgiveness. In this he was eventually rescued and restored. He didn’t qualify the possibility of God helping himself but on God’s character to love and save him. His faith was built by proof of this throughout his life.

Victory wasn’t a stone’s throw away this time for David – but victory came. Repentance, prayer and petition overcome David’s scariest mountain. Sometimes that’s what it takes.

When you trust God you battle is already won.

Matthew Destry – Senior Pastor, Discovery Church

A great reminder hey!

Note: In this season through obedience I’ve have begun gradually uploading video/podcasts to YouTube of my prophetic illustrated notes.
The first can be heard and seen here: https://youtu.be/iUDVDT0rW3A

My illustrated faith was inspired by a message by Matthew Destry, Senior Pastor of Discover Church.
The podcasts can be found here: https://www.discoverychurch.com.au/category/podcast/

Blessing Kayleen



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